Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Trying new pills...

So I went to Walmart intending to buy a jumbo bottle of ten dollar pills my Ana friend uses and they work really well. Apparently my local store is the only one that doesn't carry them so I have to wait another month until my next trip to look. What my store did have was there green-tea pills for $7.97 I took two lat night before eating a cookie ( I know, I'm weak and pathetic). I've been starving ever since! They majorly speed your system up! They're mostly natural too I think. The down side is that they'll only lat 15days... And that's if I only take two a day intend of the recommended 3-4 :/

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Jello diet.

Recently I've been extremely hungry wanting food. We always have low-calorie jello in the house. It's the perfect snack because 1) it fills you up 2) it is only 5 or 10 calories a serving and 3) you won't put on any weight from it because it's basically water with flavoring added to it. So what I do is make 3 or 4 packs at a time and just eat it whenever I get a food craving. It also makes people think you're eating a lot so they won't be on your back forcing you to eat food that actually has calories! :)