Saturday, 21 July 2012

New ideal long term goal

So I've come to the conclusion that I am a fat failure at life ( no surprise there). My goals have changed from short term to a six month time period. I have to be at LEAST 100lbs by Christmas day. Im positive I can do it, but there are doubts.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Purging tips and tricks

I found the following on this site ( ) after my most recent binge. I must say, it works really well especially standing up and bending over. Help yourself to these tips/tricks! :)

1. when purging. stick your finger as far down as you can and keep them their until you can’t anymore. this will be hard the first few times but it’ll get easier after time. if your having trouble with 2 fingers, use 3 fingers, it works really well.

- stand up, dont go on your knees because once it gets up if your bent over standing the gravity just pulls it out, chug 3 glasses of water right before, push on your stomach with what ever hand isnt down your throat, when you feel something start coming keep your fingers down your troat until literaly the vomit is so much it forces your hand out of your mouth.


(eat liquidy type foods that come up easily)

ice cream, soup, milkshakes, frozen yogurt, yogurt, juices, bananas, other soft fruits, well-cooked soft vegetables and oatmeal.


~anything spicy, apples, chocolate, meat, and bread

~anything swallowed in chunks: potato, rice, cooked grains, anything with small sharp pieces like popcorn or chips, nuts, raw crunchy veggies, and salad.

3. weigh yourself before purging and after purging to make sure you got rid of everything. this is a pro-ana/mia trick.

4. if you plan on eating and purging, don’t eat chips or meat, avoid spicy foods and chocolate. Chocolate tastes nasty coming up, and spicy foods can burn your nose. These can hurt to purge.

5. don’t go brush your teeth immediately after purging, wait to brush your teeth. brushing right away can help the stomach acid decay your teeth. gargle water or mouth wash. then after an hour brush. use a mouthwash or toothpaste that has an enamel protector in it.

6. using the end of a toothbrush can be good for stimulating a gag reflex to prevent your hands being damaged from stomach acid, but it takes longer and can often hurt. but many bulimics use this method.

7. splash your face with cold water after purging to help reduce redness and teary eyes. always keep Q-tips in your bag to clean up any eye make-up that runs while purging. not to mention a little cover up and some blush to retouch up if you are a public purger.

8. always gargle water after purging. the stomach acid can build up in your salivary glands and make your face swollen (this is a criteria in diagnosing bulimia that psychologists and doctors look for) this is why so many bulimic’s have the chubby cheek look.

Purging and Keeping it Secret:

1. be discreet and as quiet as possible

2. play music in the bathroom or keep a faucet running.

3. say you are going to take a shower, turn the water on, and purge.

4. when inducing a purge, don’t take your fingers/instrument out the first time you gag, this can make it harder to bring your food back up.

5. if people ask why your eyes are red, say you got something in your eye, or allergies.

6. place toilet paper in the toilet so the water and your vomit don’t splash up and hit you. TIP: put the lid down before flushing. always check to make sure it is flushed all the way down.

7. when you leave the bathroom, try to compose yourself before entering the room.

8. don’t immediately run to the bathroom unless you’re alone. wait 15-20 minutes to purge when around people. some say that if you wait more than an hour, your body will have already absorbed most of the calories.

9. wash your hands! stomach acid can ruin your hands and nails (another feature psychologists are supposed to look for according to the DSM IV)

NOTE: I highly recommend you stick to the Ana life style because purging can be dangerous. Especially effecting your teeth.