Friday 17 February 2012

The Braclet Project !

The Red Bracelet project is all about IFOF .
IFOF is a term that means "identification friend or foe" most commonly used in the aircraft industry . We now have a system of our own .
The bracelet project exists so that pro-ana girls can recognize each other. You wear a red beaded braclet on your right wrist .
The biggest clue is the presence of a dragonfly charm; you can buy the bracelet, or you can make it yourself. Many pro-ana girls add it so that they don't mix up pro-ana's with someone who just happens to be wearing a red beaded braclet .
It's not the best idea to just asume that if someone is wearing a braclet they are pro-ana , so anytime you see someone you think may be wearing one of these bracelets, capture their eye contact and point to your bracelet . If they return the same point to theirs ... then they are ED friendly. If not, then its just someone who happens to be wearing one .
It doesn't matter what the braclet looks like , as long as it is red and beaded . Here are some examples :

Also , if you are pro-mia you wear a blue beaded braclet on your left wrist .

I find a lot of girls are waiting to wear their bracelet until they think they're worth it...I ask you NOT to do the same! It's made to show you're an ED girl, not to show you're underweight already. If we all wear our bracelets, we can recognize each other, help and support each other! So please, don't wait!

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